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Rebecca Lake

Rebecca Lake is a retirement, investing and estate planning expert who has been writing about personal finance for a decade. Her expertise in the finance niche also extends to home buying, credit cards, banking and small business. She's worked directly with several major financial and insurance brands, including Citibank, Discover and AIG and her writing has appeared online at U.S. News and World Report, and Investopedia. Rebecca is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and she also attended Charleston Southern University as a graduate student. Originally from central Virginia, she now lives on the North Carolina coast along with her two children.

Posts by Rebecca Lake

An advisor putting together a financial advisor newsletter.
Advisor Resources

How to Create a Financial Advisor Newsletter

Nurturing a sense of trust with clients can help increase retention rates and help you potentially gain new clients through referrals. Communication is central to that effort, and if you’re not leveraging the benefits of email marketing, you may be missing out on valuable opportunities to build deeper connections. Sending a weekly or monthly newsletter… read more…

A financial advisor researching Betterment for Advisors.
Advisor Resources

Betterment for Advisors Review

Choosing a custodian is a major step when starting a registered investment advisor firm. It’s your custodian’s job to manage and maintain client assets on behalf of your firm. Betterment for Advisors is one option you might consider. This technology-driven platform is designed to help advisors deliver superior service to clients as efficiently as possible.… read more…

RIA operations outsourcing can help you better serve your clients.
Advisor Resources

Options to Outsource Your RIA Operations

Managing operations is one of the most time-consuming aspects of running an independent advisory firm. Developing workflows and automating systems can help you streamline important tasks, but as you continue to grow, you might decide that the time has come to seek outside help. Third-party providers can assist with RIA operations outsourcing, allowing you to… read more…

A registered investment advisor onboarding clients with ease after putting systems in place to manage RIA operations.
Advisor Resources

A Guide to Operations for an RIA

Growing a successful practice can test your ability to manage all the demands competing for your time and attention. You’re meeting with clients, marketing your firm and managing a seemingly endless list of back-office tasks. Developing strategies and systems for managing RIA operations can help you scale more efficiently while maximizing your resources. Ready to… read more…

Advisors researching financial advisor business development strategies for their firm.
Advisor Resources

7 Financial Advisor Business Growth Strategies

Planning your firm’s growth is central to ensuring its long-term survival in a competitive landscape. Researching and studying financial advisor business development can help you discern which methods are most likely to produce results. There are different paths you can follow to scale your business, and your goals may determine which ones make the most… read more…

Financial advisors researching how they could use LinkedIn's Sales Navigator for their firm.
Advisor Resources

How Financial Advisors Can Use Sales Navigator

Social media offers a wide variety of opportunities for financial advisors to connect with prospective clients. While LinkedIn might seem like a less obvious choice than Facebook or Instagram for advisor marketing, the platform’s Sales Navigator feature offers some unique possibilities. This premium service can be used to facilitate lead generation so you can grow… read more…

An advisor researching the financial advisor sales funnel.
Advisor Resources

Comprehensive Guide to Financial Advisor Sales Funnels

Generating leads and attracting new clients often prove challenging for financial advisors. After all, there’s plenty of competition, and investors may feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices they have. Developing a financial advisor sales funnel that targets your ideal client base can help you capture their attention and grow your business more effectively.… read more…

A financial advisor researching whether to join a wirehouse firm or start an independent RIA firm.
Advisor Resources

Working for Wirehouse Firms vs. Independent RIAs

Pursuing a career in financial services affords opportunities to explore different paths. Some advisors choose to join wirehouse firms, while others prefer an independent RIA model. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages can be helpful if you’re planning out your next professional move. Ready to grow your client base? SmartAsset AMP helps you connect with qualified… read more…

Financial advisors reviewing RIA resources for their firm.
Advisor Resources

Important Resources Every RIA Should Consider

Managing an independent RIA firm can be challenging on many levels. If you’re making the transition to your own practice or are looking for ways to streamline operations and increase efficiency for an existing firm, having the right tools can help. Tapping into RIA resources can make managing your advisory firm easier while enabling you… read more…

A financial advisor pursuing the CFP® accelerated path.
Advisor Resources

CFP® Accelerated Path: Everything Advisors Should Know

Certified Financial Planner™ must meet education, experience, ethics and exam requirements to obtain certification. Financial professionals with a degree and at least three years of experience may choose the CFP® accelerated path to expedite the process. Following the accelerated plan allows you to bypass much of the coursework required to earn a CFP® mark, though… read more…

Two advisors sitting down to discuss advisor back office operations for their firm.
Advisor Resources

Back Office Services for Financial Advisor Firms

Managing advisor back office operations can be a time-consuming test of your ability to juggle multiple tasks when running your own firm. In simple terms, the back end is anything you do for your business that isn’t client-facing. Implementing systems and utilizing third-party solutions can make it easier to direct your focus back to your… read more…

A financial advisor leaving a firm to start an RIA with no AUM.
Advisor Resources

How to Start an RIA Without Any Assets Under Management (AUM)

Becoming an independent Registered Investment Advisor is an opportunity to strike out on your own and take control of your career. Ideally, you could do so with an established client base, but if you’re unable to transfer your book of business from your previous firm, you might be starting from scratch. Starting an RIA with… read more…

Financial advisors discussing Corporate Transparency Act reporting requirements.
Advisor Resources

Corporate Transparency Act Reporting Requirements for Financial Advisors

The Corporate Transparency Act requires companies to report beneficial ownership information to the U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). FinCEN opened an online portal to begin accepting reports in January 2024. Financial advisors who fail to meet Corporate Transparency Act reporting requirements may face penalties. Ready to grow your client base? SmartAsset’s Advisor… read more…

Financial advisor researching RIA SEO.
Advisor Resources

Understanding SEO for Your RIA Firm

Organic search can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your independent advisor website. Search engine optimization or SEO is designed to increase your site’s visibility so that it’s easier for prospective clients to find you. Understanding RIA SEO is a critical component when leveraging digital marketing to promote your business. Ready to grow… read more…

A financial advisory firm reviewing their wealth management client onboarding process.
Advisor Resources

Tips for Smooth Onboarding of Wealth Management Clients

Attracting wealth management clients to your firm can increase revenues and allow you to build a sustainable business. And developing a seamless wealth management client onboarding process is a big part of that, as it can help build the foundation for a lasting relationship. By understanding what your wealthier clients expect during each phase of… read more…

A group of financial advisors meeting to discuss broker protocol.
Advisor Resources

Understanding How Broker Protocol Impacts Financial Advisors

Moving to another firm or leaving your company behind to start an advisory business can be the beginning of a new phase in your career. If your current employer is a broker-dealer operating under Broker Protocol standards, there are certain compliance requirements you’ll need to meet as you move through this transition. The Broker Protocol… read more…

Advisors review financial aggregation software that can help them consolidate client information.
Advisor Resources

How to Use Financial Aggregation Software for Your Clients

Clients may come to you with financial assets that are scattered across different bank accounts or investment accounts. Financial aggregation software brings all of your client’s money into view, enabling you to make more informed decisions when offering advice. Utilizing aggregation software can offer some advantages for both you and your clients, though there are… read more…

Advisors discussing different types of financial motivators for clients.
Advisor Resources

How to Keep Clients Motivated on Their Financial Journey

Lack of motivation can be a serious threat to client retention. You may have worked with your clients to identify their goals and the action steps they need to complete to achieve them, but if their heads—or hearts—aren’t in it, they may be less likely to remain your client for the long term. Understanding the… read more…

RIAs consider attending a conference.
Advisor Resources

Independent RIA Conferences and Conventions for 2024 and 2025

Attending an RIA conference or convention is an opportunity to grow your professional network and expand your knowledge base. Working as an independent RIA can present some unique challenges and coming together with other advisors can prove valuable if you’re hoping to scale an existing firm or launch a new one. Keeping track of the… read more…

Financial advisors reviewing client referral gifts.
Advisor Resources

Client Referral Gift Ideas for Financial Advisors

Referrals are a sign of client trust and loyalty and can be integral to your business’s long-term growth. Encouraging client referrals begins with delivering top-notch service that exceeds expectations, but it doesn’t stop there. Offering gifts is a powerful way to incentivize clients to continue referring their friends, family members and coworkers to your firm.… read more…

A financial advisor reviewing a risk tolerance questionnaire with clients.
Advisor Resources

Risk Tolerance Questionnaire Template to Give to Your Clients

Risk tolerance questionnaires can help advisors better understand what their clients need when developing a financial plan. Clients may complete this questionnaire during the onboarding process and the answers they provide can inform your decision-making when offering financial advice. Putting together a template that organizes risk tolerance questions by topic can make it easier to… read more…

Financial advisors creating client experience survey questions.
Advisor Resources

Client Experience Survey Questions for Financial Advisors

Meeting client needs is central to your success as an advisor, as satisfied clients are more likely to stay loyal to you in the long term. Asking the right questions is an effective way to learn more about what they need or expect. A survey can help you gather valuable insight from clients on their… read more…

Woman reviewing sample questions for the CFP exam.
Advisor Resources

Sample Questions From the CFP Exam

Taking the CFP exam is just one of several requirements you’ll need to complete to become a certified financial planner. Taking a practice test can help you better prepare for the real thing. The best prep materials include CFP sample questions from past tests, along with questions that cover more recent updates to the exam… read more…

A financial advisor researching professional certifications to advance her career.
Advisor Resources

Course and Certification Options for Financial Planners

Professional certifications can give you a competitive edge as you grow your advisory business. There are a variety of credentials you might obtain, each of which has specific education and exam requirements. Deciding which financial planner course to take can depend largely on your career path and specialty. SmartAsset’s Advisor Marketing Platform can help you… read more…

Section 212 deductions are suspended through 2025 but advisors have other options for deducting business expenses.
Advisor Resources

Understanding IRC Section 212 and Advisor Expense Deductions

As an advisor, you might give clients tax advice but it’s also important to know how to handle your business’s tax filing. The Internal Revenue Code includes provisions that allow you to deduct certain expenses related to operating your business. Claiming deductions can help you reduce your taxable income for the year, though it’s important… read more…